
Trent Arts Colloquium: Provocations & Pedagogy, April 20, 2024

Flyer and Program Below

Colloquium Flyer.pdf
TARG Colloquium Program 2024.pdf
Camp Kawartha.pdf
Take Cover Books.pdf

Earth Day: A Colloquium on Arts & the Environment

April, 2023

Earth Day Colloquium Flyer.pdf
Earth Day Colloquium Program.pdf

Skill Share: Solar Energy, Climate Justice, and Media Art

Friday, Oct. 14, 2022 at 2:00 in WH127


If you would like to host a skill share, please email Anne at the above address with your ideas.

Educating Through the Pandemic: A Creative Colloquium

April, 2022

Program_Educating through the Pandemic a creative Colloquium (4).pdf

Skill Share - March 22, 2022: Risograph​​​​​​​

The EMM Lab skillshare kicked off with an exploration of risography: a print-making medium that combines color-separated screens printing with mechanical and digital equipment. The group explored forms of image making in collage, digital photo manipulation software, and the p5.js coding language, comparing different points of entry and outputs these paths pulled towards. We concluded with a discussion on the ways risography straddles cultural distinctions between the analog and digital, high art and craft, and hand-made and industrial, usefully demonstrating the construction and limits of such categories.