Early Humans Unit

Early Humans Jeopardy

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Early Humans Test Study Guide

Early Humans Study Guide


· Early humans did not invent fire. What did they do with it? Answer:

· Name two ways fire can improve a home (cooking does not count). Answer:

· How did fire make life safer for hunter-gatherers? Answer:

· How did fire lead to a bigger brain for early humans? Answer:

· Why is cooking with fire healthier? Answer:


· Who did the hunting and who did the gathering? Answer:

· How many people were in hunter-gatherer groups? Answer:

· Why did early humans draw cave art? Answer:

· What were hunter-gatherer tools made out of? Answer:

· What two bone areas of Lucy’s skeleton make her a human? Answer:

Early Farmers

· For farmers, living next to animals led to more ____? (Hint: something bad). Answer:

· Instead of moving around like hunter-gatherers, what did early farmers do? Answer:

· If early farmers grew plants and raised animals, what should their village be close to? Answer:

· What new enemies did early farmers face? Answer:

· What are the two ways early farmers got their food? Answer:

Hunter-gatherers vs. Farmers

· Why did early farmers have better stone tools than hunter-gatherers? Answer:

· If hunter-gatherers were healthier and lived longer, how did early farmers take over? Answer:

· What do farmers need to grow food that is outside their control? Answer:

· What is the main difference between hunter-gatherers and early farmers? Answer:

· Who was healthier, a hunter-gatherer or an early farmer? Why? Answer:

Hunter-gatherers vs. Farmers

· A stable food supply led to the New Stone Age, also known as the __________ era.

· _____________ is the training of a wild animal to be useful to humans.

· The growing of crops and raising of animals is called ____________.

· Hunter-gatherers lived during the _________ era, also known as the old stone age.

· A human who moves from place to place with no permanent home is called a ______.

Answer Key:

A. Hunter-gatherers were healthier because they had a better diet and less disease.

B. Farming created extra food, so farmers had more time to make tools.

C. Fire can be used as protection against animals.

D. Nomad.

E. Cooked food is easier to digest, more nutrients.

F. How they got their food: hunter-gatherers collect food, farmers produce food.

G. Her skull shows she has a bigger brain and her hip bone shows she walked on two legs.

H. Good weather is needed for farming.

I. Warmth and light.

J. The women gathered fruits and vegetables and the men hunted animals.

K. Other humans trying to take their land and food.

L. Lived in permanent villages.

M. Agriculture.

N. Fire kills bacteria and disease.

O. Paleolithic Era.

P. Fresh water: river or lake.

Q. Living with animals led to more disease.

R. Hunter-gatherers used stone tools.

S. Planting food and raising animals.

T. Early humans learned to control fire.

U. Farming can support more people.

V. Domestication.

W. Hunter-gatherers lived in groups of 20-50 people.

X. We are not sure! Possible reasons: tell a story, part of a ritual, or for decoration/fun.

Y. Neolithic Era.