Ancient Egypt

Egypt Test Review Jeopardy Game:

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Ancient Egypt Study Guide


1. Plows help farmers dig up the ground. What was the main way Egyptians improved the plow to make it easier to farm? _____________________________________________________________________


2. What do the calendar and the ox-drawn plow have in common in helping Ancient Egyptians? __________________________________________________________________________________


3. This invention helped the Egyptians plan how to farm by breaking the year into three seasons: flooding, growing, and harvest. _____

4. The world's first type of paper was made out of a plant called...? _____

5. Small rocks and sand in Egyptian bread led to bad breath and tooth decay, so the Egyptians invented what two things to help? _____


6. A group in society that is ranked by wealth, property, and rights. _______

7. The rankings of social classes according to their status and importance in society is known as...? ____

8. The ruler of Egypt who owned all the land and told the people he was a living god. ______

9. They spent many years learning Egyptian writing in order to become a recorder of information. This was a high paying job! _____

10. The Egyptian writing system had more than 2,000 of these characters. _____


11. What must be done first in the embalming process? Step 1: _____________________________


12. What must be done before the mummy is ready for burial? Step 3 & 4: _________________________


13. What is the reason why Egyptians mummified their dead? ____________________________________


14. Which group of religious people were responsible for supervising the mummification process? _____

15. Preserving the body and making the mummy is also known as...?___

Social Structure

16. Put the following social classes in order of status and power: scribes ; government officials;

peasants ; pharaoh; priests 1. 2. 3. 4 . 5.

17. Why is a triangle/pyramid used to show social structure?__________________________________


18. What are two jobs a peasant might have that are important to Egyptian society? _____

19. What are two types of things that Egyptians wore to judge each other's status?____

20. What other people think about your importance to society is called...? _____

Answer Key:

A. Scribe

B. Pharaoh

C. Social structure.

D. Status.

E. The 365-day calendar.

F. Social class

G. Jewelry and wigs.

H. Papyrus

I. Toothpaste and breath mints.

J. Priests

K. Farmers & builders.

L. Embalming.

M. Hieroglyphs

Warmth and light

Other Egyptian topics to study:

- The Egyptian Gods scenario activity and your Egyptian Gods writing project

- The role and responsibility of each social class