Cold Mitten Friction

Please read Important Points to be Observed with all Treatments before performing this treatment.


  1. When patient is chilled

  2. Skin lesions or eruptions on area to be treated


An application of cold water with friction of Turkish towel, friction mitts, or loofah mitts.


  1. Sheets or two bath blankets

  2. Mitts

  3. Pail or large basin of cold water (4-21°C / 39-70°F)

  4. Bath towels

  5. Material for hot foot bath and cold compress for the head


Important Considerations

  • Make sure the patient is warm, especially the feet

  • Do not expose more than one part of the body at a time, avoid chilling

  • Avoid skin lesions

  • The patient must be kept warm and dry after treatment

  • Success of the cold mitten friction depends on the speed and vigor of the treatments

Tonic effects are increased with:

  • Colder water temperature

  • Repeated dipping of mittens (1-4 times)

  • Longer duration of the application

  • Increased vigor of friction applied

Preparation for Treatment

  • Protect the bed from dampness, use a bath blanket under the patient if necessary

  • Explain the treatment and purpose

  • Assemble the materials


  • Wring mittens quickly from cold water, rub vigorously for 5-8 seconds

  • Quickly cover part with dry towel and dry with friction

  • Cover the area with dry bath blanket and proceed with the next body part

  • Start with extremities first, then chest and finally the back

    • Arm -1. uncover one arm and have patient hold her arm up

    • 2. Start rubbing at fingers and work up to (and include) the shoulder

    • 3. Flip mitts around so the part that was at the back of your hand is now on the palm

    • 4. Work down from shoulder to fingers

    • 5. Dry quickly with friction and cover

    • 6. Repeat to other arm.

    • Leg 1. Expose one leg and have patient bend up the knee with foot on the bed

    • 2. Start rubbing at the toes and work up to and including the hip

    • 3. Flip the mitts around and work down from hip to toes

    • 4. Dry with friction and cover

    • 5. Repeat to other leg

    • Chest - Uncover the chest and rub the chest, flip the mitts and repeat

    • 2. Dry quickly and ask the patient to roll over to prone

    • Back - as for the chest.

Completion of Treatment

  • Be sure the patient is warm and dry

  • Have patient rest in bed at least 30 minutes after treatment.