Week Six

Year Two Weekly Update

Monday 27th May - Friday 29th May

Review (This week)

English: We have learned some of 'Man on the Moon' using actions and have looked at diary language.

Maths : We have focused on what we have learnt so far.

Science: We have looked at what we have learned so far.

Preview (Next week)

English: We will continue to read 'Man on the Moon' and write a poem about the Moon.

Maths : We will move onto our next unit about Time.

Science: We will continue to look at the Moon.

fantastic p.e.

We have really enjoyed using the astro-turf and our swimming lesson this week.

happy birthday, eddie and lydia

This week, we celebrated, not one, but two birthdays. Thank you to Eddie and Lydia for inviting Year 2 to your birthday parties.

Homework :

No homework due to short week.


  • School will be closed for 5 days from the 30th May to 3rd June for half term and an additional Thai holiday to celebrate the Thai Queen's birthday.
  • Summer School is available from 1st - 19th July. Please speak to the office for more information and to sign up.
  • Please send your child into school with their hats, water bottles and folders
  • Please be reminded about the importance of children wearing safe and appropriate footwear to school. It states in the parent handbook that 'open-toed sandals, flip flops or crocs are not allowed'

PE is on Monday and Thursday (they may wear their kit all day).

Swimming is on Tuesday (please label their kit, goggles and cap with their name).

Lilly Lockwood and Samantha Upton



have a fantastic long weekend and see you on Tuesday 4th June.

Is there anything better than sharing a book with friends?