Week Four

Year Two Weekly Update

Monday 13th April - Friday 17th May

Review (This week)

English : We have planned and written our own stories based on 'The Magic Finger'.

Maths : We have looked at methods for multiplying and dividing.

Science: We have looked at how we get day and night and how the Earth spins.

Preview (Next week)

English : We will finish our stories and move onto our next English unit.

Maths : We will finish our unit on multiplication and division.

Science: We will look at the moon.

the solar system

We used a globe to identify the North and South Poles, which helped us to look at the Earth's axis. We used this to help us understand day and night.

practising our fine motor skills

We have enjoyed various activities to help us with our fine motor skills. We sorted pom-poms with tweezers, made words with play-dough, tied knots and used pegs to count objects.

magnificent maths

We have looked at different ways to multiply and divide by 2, 5 and 10. We have used numicon to help us recognise odd and even numbers.

amazing architecture art

In Art this week, we have looked at how to make 2-D and 3-D shapes for our architecture unit. We used play-dough and toothpicks.

Homework :

Please note that homework and spellings now come home on Fridays.

Maths: pages 12-14 of Maths 2B practice book multiplying and dividing by 2.

Science: page 71 of Science workbook about day and night.

Spellings: Spelling list 3 - dge and g spelling pattern

Please make sure you are reading with your child and writing in their Reading Records.


  • Summer School is available from 1st - 19th July. Please speak to the office for more information and to sign up.
  • Please send your child into school with their hats, water bottles and folders
  • Please be reminded about the importance of children wearing safe and appropriate footwear to school. It states in the parent handbook that 'open-toed sandals, flip flops or crocs are not allowed'
  • Ms Lockwood is returning to teach next week. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

PE is on Monday and Thursday (they may wear their kit all day).

Swimming is on Tuesday (please label their kit, goggles and cap with their name).

Lilly Lockwood and Samantha Upton



Have a lovely weekend!