Week Five

Year Two Weekly Update

Monday 20th April - Friday 24th May

Review (This week)

English: We have started our new book 'Man on the Moon' and made our own aliens.

Maths : We have focused on division using a number line, arrays and grouping.

Science: We have looked at the Moon and discovered what a crater is.

Preview (Next week)

English: We will write instructions and a poem based on the book 'Man on the Moon'.

Maths : We will be assessing what we have learnt so far in Maths.

Science: We will look at the sun and shadows and assessing what we have learnt so far in Science.

Magical Maths

Year 2 have enjoyed using lots of different objects to make arrays for multiplying and dividing. We've used multiplication facts to help us divide.

arts week

We have had a fantastic time during Arts Week. We have worked together to create a canvas artwork using a famous piece of art to inspire our own creation. We've also enjoyed learning a dance for our Friday House competition.

Man on the Moon!

We are enjoying studying 'Man on the Moon (A Day in the life of Bob)'! As well as reading this silly story and using adjectives to describe the aliens and the moon, we are also looking at the moon scientifically. Turtle Class learnt about Neil Armstrong and the first moon landing this week and Lion Class began to look at craters and the phases of the moon.

A message from Ms Lockwood:

I could not be happier that I have returned to teach Lion Class! The children have been incredibly kind and considerate in helping me get around the classroom; organise resources and carry things!

Thank you very much for your patience and well-wishes whilst I recovered from surgery.

I have not been in the playground as much as usual as tackling the stairs is tiring but if you have any questions, concerns or would just like to say hello then please come up to my classroom!

Homework :

Please note that homework and spellings now come home on Fridays.

Maths: Division sheet

English: Sort the words into verbs and adverbs on the sheet

Spellings: Spelling list 4 - g and j spelling pattern

Please make sure you are reading with your child and writing in their Reading Records.


  • School will be closed for 5 days from the 30th May to 3rd June for half term and an additional Thai holiday to celebrate the Thai Queen's birthday.
  • Summer School is available from 1st - 19th July. Please speak to the office for more information and to sign up.
  • Please send your child into school with their hats, water bottles and folders
  • Please be reminded about the importance of children wearing safe and appropriate footwear to school. It states in the parent handbook that 'open-toed sandals, flip flops or crocs are not allowed'

PE is on Monday and Thursday (they may wear their kit all day).

Swimming is on Tuesday (please label their kit, goggles and cap with their name).

Lilly Lockwood and Samantha Upton



have a fantastic weekend