Week Eight

Year Two Weekly Update

Monday 10th June - Friday 14th June

Review (This week)

English: We have written instructions for our 'Man on the Moon' picnic.

Maths : We have continued telling the time. Why not try asking your child what the time is now?

Science: We have worked to show our knowledge so far.

Preview (Next week)

English: We will look at what we have learnt this year.

Maths : We will look at what we have learnt this year.

Science: We will look at moon phases and moon craters through D.T.

earth and beyond

We love learning about space and are very excited for our trip to the Space Inspirium next Thursday! Please return the consent form by Monday so your child can attend this trip.

international day 2019

What a fantastic event! Thank you for supporting your children by providing costumes; bringing food and watching the show! It was a great day.

Homework :

English- SPAG mat

Maths- MyiMaths

Spellings - spelling list 6


  • Thursday, 20th June is the Year 2 trip to the Space Inspirium
  • Summer School is available from 1st - 19th July. Please speak to the office for more information and to sign up
  • Please send your child into school with their hats, water bottles and folders
  • Please be reminded about the importance of children wearing safe and appropriate footwear to school. It states in the parent handbook that 'open-toed sandals, flip flops or crocs are not allowed'

PE is on Monday and Thursday (they may wear their kit all day).

Swimming is on Tuesday (please label their kit, goggles and cap with their name).

Lilly Lockwood and Samantha Upton

