Publications > 2024 > Nile Voyage of Recovery

A Nile Voyage of Recovery (First Edition)

Charles and Susan M. Bowles

Edited with an introduction and notes by Takumi Yamaguchi

Click on the image to open the digital book.


March 29, 2024 (Fri.)

A Reprint of the late-19th-Century Travelogue of Egypt in Japanese Crepe-Paper Book Format

Originally published in 1895 in Tokyo, Japan, A Nile Voyage of Recovery is a small memoir written by an American missionary couple Charles and Susan Bowles. Embellished with vibrant multicolored woodblock print illustrations crafted by a Japanese artist, this book is fashioned in the cherished format of Japanese crepe-paper books (chirimen-bon), which held considerable allure in Western markets during that era. It serves as an interesting example of the Orientalist representation of the Middle East with an interplay of exoticism between the West and the two Easts.

Book Information:

Charles and Susan M. Bowles. 2024 (1895). A Nile Voyage of Recovery. Edited with an introduction and notes by Takumi Yamaguchi. ACRI Research Paper Series: 34. 90 pages. ISBN 978-4-904279-36-6. Tokyo: Asian Cultures Research Institute, TOYO University.

*Please contact us to request a hard copy of this book: toyochichukai[at]

*Digital book of the second edition of the same title, published in 1896, is also available at the digital archive of Chirimen-bon Collection at the Insitute for the Comparative Studies of Culture, Tokyo Women's Christian University.


ちりめん本『A Nile Voyage of Recovery』校訂翻刻版の刊行

 アメリカ人宣教師のボウルズ夫妻によって1895年に出版された『A Nile Voyage of Recovery』初版本の校訂翻刻版を、東洋大学アジア文化研究所発行の研究叢書として刊行いたしました。夫妻によるエジプト旅行記である本書は、明治期に日本土産として海外で人気を博した「ちりめん本」のなかでも変わり種の謎多きタイトルですが、日本の絵師による木版画の挿画を多く掲載するなど、日本におけるオリエンタリズム的中東表象の興味深い一例となっています。

