Home of the Timberwolves

Kyle Brown - Athletic Director/Assistant Principal/Special Education Director

The Town of Webb UFSD is an active member of the New York State Public High Athletic Association, our student-athletes compete at the Class D level within Section III.  Furthermore, the  district maintains its league affiliation with the Center State Conference, which has schools located Herkimer,  Madison, Oneida Counties of New York.  The Town of Webb UFSD athletic program is founded on the principle that the playing field is an extension of the classroom and success is determined by the growth of the athlete in their particular sport.  Our athletic offerings include three seasons: Fall, Winter, and Spring.  Sports of: Soccer, Cross Country, Downhill Skiing (Alpine), Cross Country Skiing (Nordic), Basketball, Volleyball, Track & Field, Golf, Baseball, and Softball.

Contact information:

Mr. Kyle Brown

Email: KBrown@towschool.org

Phone: 315-369-3222  ext 2129

Town of Webb Timberwolves Apparel Online Store

Town of Webb Sport Season Starting Dates


Varsity Sports:  8/18/25

Modified Sports:  8/18/25


Varsity:  11/18/24

Modified (Winter 1): 10/28/24

Modified (Winter 2):  1/6/25


Varsity/JV:  3/17/25

Modified:  4/7/25