
If you are having technical difficulties (i.e. your iPad or apps aren't working), please have an adult email the helpdesk for the fastest response!

Stuck on an assignment?

Q: I don't remember the instructions, where can I find them?

A: Visit the assignments tab and locate the current assignment.

Q: Where do I submit my assignment?

A: Video submissions and responses happen in Flipgrid:

Q: I'm having trouble with an assignment. Where can I go for help?

A: Visit this Flipgrid page: ___ Describe your problem in a video and a teacher or fellow classmate will respond to your problem.

Q: I'm done with all my work for today, what else can I work on?

A: Did you leave feedback on your classmates' videos?

A: Did you visit the "Help!" Flipgrid to see if you can assist another student?

A: Have you solved or submitted a new Curiosity Riddle___?

So you think you are done...

  1. Check to make sure you responded to any teacher questions or requests.

  2. Respond to a student question in the "Help!" Flipgrid.

  3. Respond to the Curiosity Riddle.

  4. Leave your own Riddle - don't give out the answer, we might share it for others to solve!

  5. Get a breath of fresh air.

  6. Help your family with a chore that is not usually assigned to you.

  7. Do a little celebration dance.