Facts To Know

Some facts you should know when having your car repaired.

  1. Your insurance company wants your vehicle properly repaired, and you to be completely satisfied with their claim service. You have specific rights and obligations that you should be aware of. Review your policy. Understand your rights.
  2. You are not required by law to get more than one estimate regardless of what your insurance company says.
  3. You may have the shop of your choice make the repairs and provide estimates. You are not required to use a shop suggested by your Insurance company. However, you are required, by your policy, to allow your insurance company a reasonable amount of time to inspect the damages prior to repairing them. This inspection can be completed at any shop of your choosing and is not required to be completed with photographs using their mobile apps.
  4. Only you, the owner, can authorize repairs on your vehicle.
  5. Repair estimates will vary. A lower estimate may not include necessary things such as front or rear wheel alignments, re-aiming your headlamps, etc. It's your car, make sure it's repaired to your satisfaction.