
We need your passion!

Master and PhD students

We are looking for a PhD candidate who will start April or October 2025. You can apply from everywhere in the world, because the entrance examination will be held online. You will be paid 100,000-110,000 JPY/month (ca 750 USD/month). Housing cost for a single room in the International House of Tottori University is 7,000-8000 JPY/month (ca 55 USD/month). You can apply for exemption of entrance and tuition fees. Please contact Prof. Nokami in advance. 

We are looking for graduate students especially from South Asian Countries!

From October 2024, the department of engineering of the graduate school of sustainable sciences will start the special program for MS students from south Asian countries, and the associated program for PhD students will be started in the graduate school of engineering at the same time. These programs are supported by the MEXT.