Place-based Education in the Geosciences

First, here is a good introduction to place-based education in geoscience from EARTH magazine:

Dr. Steve Semken's slides on place-based teaching in geoscience:

Semken-slides for Place-Based Teaching

For those who would like more detailed information, here are several recent scholarly papers on place-based geoscience education:

Place-Based Education in Geoscience (Semken et al., 2017).pdf
Teaching Geoscience in the Context of Culture and Place (Apple et al., 2014).pdf
A Sense of the American Southwest (Semken, 2011).pdf
Ethnographic Methods In Analysis Of Place-Based Geoscience Curriculum (Williams & Semken, 2011).pdf
Sense of Place & Place-Based Education For Integrity & Sustainability (Semken & Brandt, 2010).pdf
Sense of Place in the Practice & Assessment of Place-Based Science Teaching (Semken & Butler Freeman, 2008).pdf
Sense of Place & Place-Based Introductory Geoscience Teaching for American Indian and Alaska Native Undergraduates (Semken, 2005).pdf