
To save our customers time, we provide up front pricing based on building size and appliances.

Post Construction

$0.50 / sq/ft

Standard/Post Event

$0.40 / sq/ft

Move in/out      

$0.30 - $0.40 / sq/ft

price varies based on years at residence and condition

All of our rates are based on a sanitization deep cleaning of the following components:

Areas with vaulted ceilings will incur an additional cost per square foot for the additional time and equipment required to properly clean the affected space. Pricing as follows:

ie. 180 sq/ft room with 14 foot ceilings will cost an additional $0.30 sq/ft on top of the $0.40 sq/ft for the standard rate for a rate of $0.70 sq/ft. 

Additional cleaning

*Large, complex light fixtures or chandeliers will be left to professionals who specialize in that area of cleaning.

** The exterior of the fireplace will be cleaned, while the interior will be left to professionals who specialize in that area of cleaning.