Cleaning Process

1. Vacuum

Using vacuums equipped with HEPA filters and soft bristle attachments, our first step is to remove dust and debris starting from the highest point in each room. Since it is not possible to eliminate all blow-by from a vacuum, our method has us start with the rooms adjacent to hallways and public rooms. Once complete, we seal those rooms, and  finish our vacuuming of the larger spaces from the top down. 

2. Dry Wipe

Even after vacuuming, especially in a house that was recently constructed or renovated, there is a thin layer of dust that remains. We do a "dry wipe"  to remove the final dust layer before doing our "wet wipe", so there are no dust films left behind.

3. Wet Wipe/Steam Clean

Lastly, we finish each room with a wet wipe and steam clean. Excluding the ceiling and any surface that cannot tolerate the moisture and/or heat, we work our way through the final pass in small patches, switching cleaning cloths often.

Additional Services

Our methods of cleaning and tools are robust enough to tackle the majority of household appliances. The exterior of your appliances are included in our cost per square foot, however the interiors are subject to an additional charge based on cleaning difficulty.