Student Programs

We will be offering 2 student contests this year! Below is from last year. This year's will be very similar. More informatin to come. Please read below for complete details and links to the flyers that you may share with students and colleagues. Thank you for considering to participate!

K-5 Literacy Contest – Caring Make a Difference!

This literacy contest, for students in grades K-5, encourages teachers and students to use the ELA standards and SEL benchmarks to compose literacy narratives and/or artwork surrounding the topics of acceptance, friendship, caring, or kindness. Complete details can be found here. Entries are due February 14, 2024. Each entry must include an entry form available here. We will be acknowledging all students and awarding prizes for top entries at a ceremony we hope to have in the Spring.

6-12 Teacher Center Logo Contest

Our Teacher Center has never had its own logo and we want to change that! We are looking for a design that signifies all we do. Complete details of the contest can be found here. Students are encouraged to look at examples of other NYS Teacher Center logos by visiting our state website, The entry must be submitted using this Google form by February 14, 2024. The creator of the winning logo will receive a choice of prizes from Amazon!


TGITC Literacy contest 2022-23.pdf
Logo contest 2022-23.pdf