TV, Streaming and Video

A TED talk by Kate Messner from TED-Ed | January 2014

Why is J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy so compelling? How about The Matrix or Harry Potter? What makes these disparate worlds come alive are clear, consistent rules for how people, societies -- and even the laws of physics -- function in these fictional universes. Author Kate Messner offers a few tricks for you, too, to create a world worth exploring in your own words.

A TED talk by Claire Bowen from TED-Ed | July 2015

When we talk about 'English', we often think of it as a single language. But what do the dialects spoken in dozens of countries around the world have in common with each other, or with the writings of Chaucer? Claire Bowern traces the language from the present day back to its ancient roots, showing how English has evolved through generations of speakers.

From Shakespeare’s Globe in London, this was the final night of the Bollywood-infused Shakespeare comedy. It was the first production to be streamed live from the Bankside venue and is introduced by actress Meera Syal.

Fusing music, dance and some serious comedy, Emma Rice's Dream is naughty, tender, transgressive and surprising - a real festival of theatre.