Leadership Team 24 -25

Executive Council

Hikari Garcia


Leadership Experience: 

Favorite StuCo Project:

Homecoming, because I liked seeing the hard work of creating the dance come through fruition and I like parties!

Why StuCo?:

I chose StuCo because I wanted a way to meet new people and I really liked the advisors. 

Three things about me: 

Ava Simmons

Vice President

Leadership Experience: 

Favorite StuCo Project: 

Banquet, because it was very fun to plan and bring the club together.  

Why StuCo?: 

I chose to be a part of stuco because it is fun to meet new people and work on projects going on in our school.

Three things about me: 

Claire Frazier


Leadership Experience: 

Favorite StuCo Project:

BeYou Week or Banquet, because I loved planning both of those events and I got to meet a bunch of people in both of those. 

Why StuCo?:

It’s such a safe and fun environment and I always feel included and seen!! AND the people in it, especially the advisors!

Three things about me: 

Savanna Sommers


Leadership Experience: 

Favorite StuCo Project: 

BeYou, because it was fun. 

Why StuCo?:

Because they offer opportunities to be involved in school. 

Three things about me: 

Arya Gandhi

Public Relations

Leadership Experience: 

Favorite StuCo Project:

BeYou Week, because I loved seeing people's faces smile when they read their heart and knowing that they really needed that.  

Why StuCo?:

I chose stuco because I wanted to experience something new like being a leader and being able to create new memories and meeting new people.

Three things about me: 


Mrs. Irma Sibert


CTE Teacher - Family & Consumer Sciences: Education & Training, StuCo Advisor, TAFE Advisor

Where to find me: Room 2101

My Favorite StuCo Project:

I love them all, but especially those that deal with appreciation. StuCo is an organization that makes people feel loved and welcomed - so we thrive in those warm and fuzzy projects! IE Homecoming Dance, BeYou, Donuts and Disco, Staff Appreciation, Polar Express, etc.!

Three things about me: 

“Life's most persistent and urgent question is: 'What are you doing for others?'”  

- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Mrs. Lori Hunt


Math Teacher- Algebra I,  StuCo Asst. Advisor

Where to find me: Room 2212

My Favorite StuCo Project

Everything!  I love doing things that bring people joy and put a smile on their face. One of my favorite projects is Be You week because it empowers students to be themselves! 

Three things about me

"If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you."