College Search Resources

Selecting the college that fits your needs is very important. There are many factors that need to be considered other than if they offer your major. Be sure to use several resources in your research. Below are some helpful tools and resources to help you in your journey.

Don't forget the college visit! Once you've built a list of colleges you're interested in or planning to apply to, be sure to visit the college website and schedule a tour of the college.

Juniors and seniors, please make sure you follow the College Visit Day Policy

Explore by College Ranking

You can use college ranking lists to help you explore a wider variety of colleges to best suit your interests and needs.

Forbes - focuses on best return on investment for students

Princeton Review - concentrates on student experiences


U.S. News & World Reports - uses objective data like retention rates, alumni giving rates, standardized test scores, and financial aid

How to Choose Dream, Target, and Safety Schools