How to Pray

The gathered times of prayer at 7am on Zoom and 6pm at Bristol Cathedral were led times of prayer so people could simply turn up and join in with these prayers. 

Throughout the day local churches gave specific advice on how to pray according to their style.

You may also find the notes below helpful as you pray.

Praying the Lord's Prayer

Jesus' followers asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. He responded by giving them what we call The Lord's Prayer. You can use this as a structure for how you pray, starting with appreciating that God is our father and creator. In the line where we ask for His kingdom to come, we are focusing these prayers on praying for peace in the city. Jesus is described as the 'Prince of Peace' and His kingdom is marked by peace, so as you pray that part of the prayer you can be focusing on asking for peace in Bristol. Pray the prayer slowly, asking God to steer your thoughts as you pray. 

Our Father in heaven, 

Holy is your name, 

Your kingdom come, 

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread. 

Forgive us our sins, 

as we also forgive those who have sinned against us. 

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, 

For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, now and forever, Amen. 

(Matthew 6.9-13)


This simple acronym can help us talk to God (pray):

P - Pause; breathe deeply and be still in God's presence. God has created us and the world. The Bible says that as we draw near to God, God comes near to us. (James 4.8)

R - Rejoice; what are you grateful for? What do we appreciate in Bristol today? Thank God for it.

A - Ask; ask God, particularly to bring peace to Bristol, to bring comfort to those who are hurting, to heal our city.

Y - Yes; say yes to God. Welcome His love, His plans and His presence into your day and into our city.

Praying & Fasting

Throughout the Bible and church history, fasting is associated with people humbling themselves and abstaining from a basic need as part of their seeking God for help.  

God's House International Centre have prepared some guidelines for fasting here: >Fasting Guidelines<

Woodlands Church explain fasting as part of our prayers on their website here: >Information on Fasting<

Inspiration from Bristol's History

This may inspire you and build your faith as you pray:

"In the 1700s Kingswood, Bristol was a dangerous area of lawless gangs, neglect and deprivation without hope or consolation. Society simply looked the other way. Even the toughened sailors and slave traders of Bristol feared the wild Kingswood miners, occasionally running rampage through their city, scavenging for food.

But the preacher John Wesley went to Kingswood. As many as 20,000 colliers came out to hear him preach of a God who loved them. Many responded to the Gospel message with ‘white-tears’ cutting through the soot on their faces as they turned to Christ.

Strikingly, and as inspiration for us as we pray for a move away from violence in Bristol was what Wesley found when he later returned to Kingswood. A year after he preached to these miners in 1739, Wesley returned to Kingswood and wrote that he found it to be “an entirely different place-no more filled with drunkenness or wars. Peace and love are there. Great numbers of people are mild, gentle and pleasantly helpful.” People were singing hymns on the streets. Churches were opened and the miners became members and leaders of these churches. 

We pray similarly for those involved or on the edge of violence in Bristol, that they too will discover the God who loves them and has a better story for their lives.

Prophetic Words

In the run-up to the day of prayer these words have been shared by people as they've prayed: