Everything You Need to Know about 4th Grade

Welcome to our fourth grade classroom!

WRITING- Our writing curriculum is wonderful! I will teach writing for all of the fourth graders this year.

*Realistic Fiction

*Personal and Persuasive Essays

*Bringing History to Life

*Research Papers


MATH- Three years ago we adopted Common Core MATH curriculum. It is called Pearson Realize- Investigations 3. Mrs. Pitts will teach math to all of the fourth graders.


Birthdays will be celebrated at the end of the day. If we are distance learning, then we will sing and share lovely thoughts for the birthday boy or girl.

Classroom Behavior

It is my hope that ALL students are:

  • Gentle, kind & respectful

  • Problem solvers

  • Responsible citizens (of the class, school, city, and world)

  • Excited about learning

  • Ready to challenge themselves

Home-School Communication


This will be the information hub for all things in our class this year. It will be updated with:



Check it out when you have time! I will occasionally e-mail you a direct link to make sure you are up to date.


You can reach me by email at cbesk@tlcs.us I will miss getting to know you at morning drop off and afternoon pick up. I look forward to when we will get to know each other in person. If you would like to talk in-depth about anything please email me.


Each Friday someone will need to come and pick up and drop off student work.I will send graded work home at the end of every week. If you child has not already done so, please tear out and staple completed work from workbooks together.


Student grades will be posted and available for you to see on SchoolCues at the end of every quarter.


During distance learning we will not have traditional homework. They are already doing so much work at home. They will be required to read daily for 20 minutes. Sometimes that will be during the school day, but often it will be after school or during their break (if that is how they choose to spend their time).

HOMEWORK SCHEDULE for Distance Learning

20 Minutes of READING each day

As part of your reading grade, you will have a set AR (Accelerated Reading) goal. In order to complete it, you will need to read about 20 minutes every day. AR quizzes can be taken at school and at home.

MATH homework will be any unfinished work for the day. It is my hope that students finish all work during our class session/ZOOM meeting for the day

NO Math over the weekend

SPELLING tests will be given every Friday. We will be practicing spelling every day during class time. If your child needs additional practice, they can practice at home. I will give them a spelling choice board with activities to choose from.

NO Spelling over the weekend

BIBLE- Each week we will be working to memorize a Bible verse. We will practice in class. However, students should practice at home as needed to be prepared for their weekly test on Friday.

*Daily Homework will look different once we return to the classroom for daily learning. Homework will then consist of a nightly MATH page and SPELLING activity in addition to nightly reading. Math and Spelling homework will be turned in DAILY upon returning to school.