Senior Years LEarning Community

We have a well resourced senior learning community. Teachers offer expertise that includes understanding a range of curriculum learning areas branching across all year levels, career education, and pastoral care. They are well equipped to support students to achieve NCEA at all levels.

Students (particularly at Year 11) are taught to learn within a timetable that allows for a multi-disciplinary learning approach. Individual needs are at the forefront - a luxury easily afforded by the nature of our school.

Many of our Year 12 and 13 students are transitioning from school to work. We tap into outside agencies to offer vocational-based programmes, and in 2018 we introduced the well-renowned Licence to Work programme. At the same time, we offer a more academic pathway (with the support of Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu) for other students.

All students have ready access to a digital device. They develop evidence of their learning within an online digital environment. This allows the teacher to offer timely feedback to inform "where to next".