The United Nations has proclaimed 2021-2030 to be a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and a Decade of Ecosystem restoration in order to reverse the damage to ocean health. Tis is joining in these efforts through our Activisit in residence program and declaring 2021-2022 as our year for the ocean!

Meet our Activist in Residence - Andrew taylor

This year, our Activist in Residence is Andrew Taylor - marine biologist, environmental consultant, and the Director and Co-Founder of Blue Corner Marine Research. He is currently based in Nusa Lembongan, Bali, and is working to restore an area of degraded coral reefs. He will be working with TIS students remotely to explore the importance of the ocean and how we can help to protect these ecosystems! Read more about him by clicking on the button below or follow his work through his twitter account.

Program Highlights