At Your Service

What can I do for you?

Prepare materials for you to use in the LMC or in your classroom: If you need resources and materials for a lesson, I would be happy to put them on reserve for you. This will allow only your students to use the materials, making them available to you at all times. If your class is coming down to the library for the project, I can keep the materials in the LMC. If you are working on a project in your classroom, I can send the materials to you.

Class check-out visits/Book Talks: The best way to get students interested in reading is to to provide them with the opportunity to read quality pieces of literature. Setting up a regular schedule of library visits ensures that opportunity. While visiting for check-out, I will provide book talks and book displays to help build student interest in books that they may have never heard of or read. See me to schedule your first visit!

Teach research skills: It is imperative that students have good research skills. I am available to help students learn basic information literacy skills. I can teach students about citing sources, website credibility, plagiarism, and researching strategies. If you would like me to help your students with this, please come sign up with me in the LMC.

Provide collaborative work space: The library should not be viewed merely as a place of silent study. The business of learning is often loud and messy! If you need space for students to work on projects or presentations, please consider the LMC as an option for student collaboration.

Provide Reader’s Advisory Services: One of my favorite jobs as a librarian is helping patrons find a good book. I am always happy to help you and your students find a good book to read. I also value your insights about books and resources. Please share your latest, greatest find with me!

These are just some of the services that I can offer to you as your librarian! I am here to help you with anything and everything. Come see me with any thoughts and ideas that you have throughout the year!