Junior Philippine Computer Society

Prepare to be amazed!

Step right up, future tech wizards and digital magicians! The Junior Philippine Computer Society - T.I.P. QC Chapter proudly presents a tale of intrigue, unity, and limitless possibilities. 

Picture this: A mysterious aura, a flurry of mysterious photocards, and a gathering of brilliant minds summoned together! Underneath the starlit sky, the future leaders of JPCS reveal themselves, ushering in an era where talents converge, ideas flourish, and dreams take flight. 

Join us on this mesmerizing journey, where codes are the spells we cast, and algorithms dance like enchanting incantations. Together, we explore the uncharted realms of technology to learn, grow, and inspire.

JPCS - Facebook Page 

Officers and Advisers


Cyber Security Buff: Defending Against SQL Injection and Brute Force Assaults, April 2024

Student Life Fair 2023

CCS Celebration: Culture of Continuous Success, May 2023

Unlocking the Power of Data Real-World Analytics Application, March 2023