Junior Information Systems Security Association - TIP 

Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey into the world of cybersecurity as we proudly present the newly elected officers of the Junior Information Systems Security Association T.I.P. Q.C. Chapter for the year ahead!

This year, our mission is crystal clear: to break new ground, confront challenges head-on, and collectively celebrate each milestone as a united force. Together, we'll navigate the ever-evolving landscape of information security, staying ahead of the curve and safeguarding the digital world. 

Here's to a year of innovation, resilience, and remarkable achievements! Welcome aboard the cybersecurity journey of a lifetime!

JISSA - Facebook Page

Officers and Advisers


Armor Up! Securing Tomorrow with A.I. Today, April 2024

Cyber Team: Red vs. Blue, March 2024 

Code of Trust: JISSA General Assembly, February 2023