It Takes a Village Donations Page
Click the pantry photo above or scan the QR code to go to our group on the NEXTDOOR app.
Scan the Venmo code to donate funds directly to the pantry for us to purchase food on your behalf.
It Takes A Village
Since September 5th of 2020, the stewards of the Tiny Pantry Times group have learned the phrase, “It Takes a Village” the hard way. After spending two weeks trying to fill the Tiny Pantry ourselves, we quickly realized bankruptcy was going to become a scary reality if we didn’t change tactics. Social media rescued this project. We began by posting on the NEXTDOOR app and within two months of the initial post: the pantry was self-sustaining, the administrators had requested that a group be formed, and a community of like-minded people had been created.
We have since become a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation with a tremendous support base.
Now, 862 members later, we are distributing between 24,000 and 28,000 pounds (12-14 Tons) of food and personal hygiene products per month. Our members have been instrumental in keeping this supply steady, but the demand continues to increase.
We would like to invite you join us in expanding our work.
There is no cost to membership. The Members are followers of the Tiny Pantry Group. Some are recipients, some are donors, and some are both. Just click on the link or scan the QR code above to become a Member. We are always happy accept unopened, unexpired food and personal hygiene products for our recipients. If you would like to increase your involvement in our village, there are several additional opportunities.
You can help in any capacity you are able.
Giver (Donations on your schedule) Patron (Ongoing Monthly Donation)
Suggested monetary donations:
Individual $20
Family $30
Small Business $50
Corporation $500 – Wow
By our definition, these are companies, small businesses, families, and/or individuals that are willing to do the heavy lifting to sustain the vision. Currently, we are partnering with Jewish Family Services, Heart to Heart International, New Haven SDA Church Renewed Hope Food Pantry, Overland Park Christian Church, Hostess, Quick Trip, Zu’s Underground, A Gathering of Friends, Pete's Garden, Everyday Produce, Colonial Presbyterian Garden, City Center Church, Food Donation Connection, Texas Roadhouse, and The Starfish Project Foundation - The Beach. If you would like to join these incredible partners, we look forward to providing you with the opportunity to help the neighbors, families, and friends of Northern Johnson County and surrounding communities.