Dual Language & English Language Development Services

How will Dual Language work?

The Dual Language team is currently devising a plan to continue developing students' bilingual skills within the Comprehensive Distance Learning framework. At this time, students will focus on specific content in English through the Acellus platform and other content in Spanish using district-approved curriculum and supplemental teacher-created and online resources. Teachers will also provide opportunities for students' oral language practice.

Will there be Dual Language courses available at TSD9 Online School?

To continue working towards acquisition of the target language, students in the Dual Language Program may enroll in the Discover Spanish course in Acellus. Students may also have access to other web-based language learning programs.

If I enroll in TSD9 Online School, will I be able to keep my dual language placement?

Students will be able to return to their Dual Language classroom once the COVID-19 safety metrics for the state indicate all students can return safely for in-person instruction.

What will the language service model look like at each grade level?

English learners in grades K-6 will receive all instruction with the support of their classroom/content-area teacher and EL specialist, who will collaborate to provide academic and explicit language instruction for ELs. English learners in grades 7-12 who are in designated ELD classes will receive explicit language instruction from their ELD teacher, either through the Discover English course in Acellus or through district-approved ELD curriculum, supplemental teacher-created and online resources, and/or web-based language learning programs. Students will meet with teachers virtually through live sessions using Google Meet. EL specialists will collaborate with classroom and content-area teachers to provide additional resources for differentiated support as needed. English learners’ progress will be monitored during distance learning, and additional support will be provided to students in need of intervention. Bilingual staff will also provide support to students, as well as assist with parent communication.

Will English Learners be able to attend in-person focus group sessions during Comprehensive Distance Learning?

Starting in the fall, we may invite small groups of English learners needing additional support into classrooms. EL specialists, along with classroom/content-area teachers, will determine which students would most benefit from in-person learning sessions. The groups would be limited to two hours per day with a maximum of ten students per group as defined by the Oregon Department of Education. Please note that in-person learning will be contingent on the district meeting COVID-19 safety metrics presented by the state. We will continue to monitor COVID-19 numbers and communicate with families about in-person learning opportunities.