Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings (OSEU)

About This Session

Friday, November 17

3:10 PM - 4:00 PM
Room: Symposium


Lessons and applications in applying the Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings (OSEU) to your curriculum and everyday classroom lessons. Creative ways to implement the standards in the classroom through the book tThe Lakota Way-Everyday Lessons by Joseph Marshall. 

Session Presenter(s)

Brian Brown

Follow the heartbeat of the drum in Canup Sapa Community on Rosebud Reservation at Canup Sapa Owayawa-Black Pipe School/Norris Elementary. Norris Elementary School's own Black Pipe Singers performing a Prayer song and Flag song before school each day, to the pleasure of all those in the community and the reservation to hear. Leading the group with great passion, continuing the Lakota language and culture through song, Brian Brown. 

With Brian Brown's Bachelor's in Education and Master's in Administration in Education, Brian has been a valuable educator on the Sicangu Oyate Rosebud Reservation for 20 years. Brian is a Cultural Bearer, Principal, Educator, Instructional Coach, and Traditional Language/ Song Moderator.