Infusing the OSEUs to Strengthen JAG in the Classroom

About This Session

Friday, November 17

3:10 PM - 4:00 PM
Room: Prairie A


Resiliency, self-value, and strength of character - these are foundational components of the Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) classroom competencies.  They are also the core concepts of the Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings (OSEU).  Two years ago the Department of Education partnered with JAG teachers and OSEU experts to create a guide on how to infuse the concepts of the OSEUs seamlessly into JAG classrooms across the state.  Come to learn about how this project evolved.  Take away how JAG might fit into your school setting to improve outcomes for your entire student body, Native and non-Native.

Session Presenter(s)

Beth Shneider
JAG-SD State Director

Beth Schneider is the state director for Jobs for America’s Graduates-South Dakota (JAG-SD), a role she feels utilizes her strengths to best serve South Dakota’s youth. She has been in education for over 30 years, teaching elementary through post-secondary in SD, MT, and WY. Beth earned her Education Specialists degree in District Curriculum Administration and a Master’s in High Education Administration from the University of South Dakota. She also received her K-8 teaching degree from Chadron State College in Nebraska.

Shyloe Bordeaux
JAG Specialist

Shyloe Bordeaux has been the Jobs for America's Graduates specialist at Todd County High School for the past 13 years. She is an enrolled member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and a graduate of Sinte Gleska University with a BA in Human Services Mental Health concentration. Shyloe is currently working in the student services office at Todd County High School as a Family Service Worker and a Jobs for America's Graduates specialist. 

Laura Scheibe
DOE Director

Laura Scheibe is the director of the Division of College, Career, and Student Success for the South Dakota Department of Education. In this role she serves as the state’s Director for Career and Technical Education, oversees the Job’s for America’s Graduates – SD program, as well as the department’s work on student wellness and supports. She has been with the department since 2014 and previously worked as the Deputy Director in the Office of Accreditation and Accountability.