
Week beginning 19th June 2023

Teaching this week Monday Mrs Laird and Mrs Mackay, Tuesday, Wednesday Mrs Mackay, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird.

I hope that all the children enjoyed their school trip on Friday to the Castle of Mey and the surrounding area. This Friday the lucky ELC children have another trip, this time to Dunnet forest.

The primary pupils have sports club with Alyn from High life Highland on Friday.

Week beginning 5th June 2023

Monday Inservice- school closed to all pupils and ELC children.

Tuesday Mrs Nicola Mackay

Wednesday Mrs Laird and Mrs Mackay. Come along to our open afternoon and see your children's work. Library van here.

Thursday ELC Mrs Pearson -Open afternoon for 2023-24 children.

Friday Mrs Laird- Mr Alyn Gunn Active Sports Co-ordinator will be here for a lunch time sports club.

Week beginning 29th May 2023

Teaching this week Monday and Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird and Mrs Pearson.

Wednesday morning we have our Highland Games for primary and nursery, with Bower Primary and Bower Busy Bees invited over to join us. If you are free we would love to see you watch the children toss the caber and throw the hammer or haggis depending on their age.

Week beginning 22nd May 2023

Teaching Monday- Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson

Tuesday Mrs Mackay,

Wednesday Mrs Laird and Mrs Pearson,

Thursday Mrs Laird,

Friday Mrs Laird

On Wednesday we have Alyn Gunn coming to help with a practice for our Highland Games.

Thursday Mr Hunt will be returning for the Bikeability for P5/6

On Friday Mr Calder will be in Scallywags for some exciting cooking.

Week beginning 8th May 2023

Monday school closed for Coronation.

Teaching Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird.

Thursday school photographs are being taken for primary and ELC, so if children can please be in their uniform (primary) and whatever you wish them to wear for their photos in Scallwags.

Week beginning 1st May.

Monday is a May Day holiday and so both the school and ELC are closed for the day.

Tuesday Mrs Mackay

Wednesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson

Thursday Mrs Pearson

Friday Mrs Laird.

Wednesday swimming for the primary class.

On Thursday there is a menu change as it is the Coronation picnic lunch.

Week beginning 17th April 2023

We look forward to welcoming you all back to the summer term at Crossroads Primary.

Teaching this week Monday, Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird.

A reminder that there is swimming on Wednesday for all primary pupils.

Week beginning 27th March 2023

Teaching this week Monday, Tuesday Mrs Laird, Wednesday Mrs Mackay, Thursday Friday Mrs Pearson.

It is a busy last week of term.

Tuesday Rev Easton Berry will be in the school for the end of term service.

Wednesday -whole school swimming

Thursday - P5-7 Music with Feis

Friday Aileen Simmonite from the Newton Room will be coming to the school to teach the children about the life cycle of salmon, help them to make salmon pellets for food and learn about sustainability.

The school will close for the Easter holidays at 3 pm on Friday 31st March and will re-open for the pupils on Monday 17th April.

Week beginning 20th March 2023

Monday P2-5 have Kodaly with Mrs Muir visiting the school which will be lovely. They then have Kodaly online again on Thursday morning. whilst the P6 pupils have Feis in person. Lots of musical fun for everyone.

Teaching this week Monday-Wednesday Mrs Mackay, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird.

Week beginning 13th March 2023.

Teaching this week Monday, Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird.

All being well the children will have swimming on Wednesday. We have asked that children where possible make a donation of £5 per child (maximum £10 per family) towards the bus cost, but if this is not possible please contact the office and we can make arrangements. The children will all require to bring their costume and a towel, and goggles if they usually wear them.

Thursday there should be Feis for P5-7and Kodaly for P1-4 to develop the music skills.

Week beginning 6th March 2023

Teaching this week in Crossroads- Monday-Wednesday Mrs Mackay, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird.

The P6 pupils should have the Dounreay Ambassadors here for LEGO on Monday afternoon.

Wednesday the children have their first block of swimming. Children can pay weekly at £5 per week, or as a single payment of £45 for the 9 sessions. Costs are capped at two children per family. If this is a problem for any family please contact the office in confidence. If the children use goggles please can they bring them along with their snack, costume and towel.

With this week being Science week and also International Women's Day we will be looking at Article 2- that all children have their rights irrespective of gender, religion, skin colour or who they love, and Article 29 - that education should aim to develop every child's talents to their full potential.

Week beginning 27th February:

Crossroads Primary and Scallywags will be closed on Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 1st March due to the industrial action.

Monday Mrs Mackay

Thursday Mrs Pearson

Friday Mrs Laird

Week beginning 13th February 2023

It is enrolment week for Scallywags.

Teaching this week: Monday and Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird.

Week beginning 6th February 2023.

Monday Mrs Mackay - P6 pupils will have LEGO this afternoon.

Tuesday - Mrs Mackay

Wednesday - Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson. Mr Simon Scott will be visiting the school

Thursday - Mrs Pearson

Friday - Mrs Laird.

Week beginning 30th January 2023

A reminder that the school is closed for industrial action on Tuesday 31st January but we hope to see all the pupils on Monday and Wednesday.

Teaching this week:

Monday and Wednesday: Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson.

Thursday Mrs Pearson

Friday Mrs Laird.

Scallywags have an open afternoon for future pupils and their adults on Thursday afternoon between 2 and 3 pm.

Week beginning 23rd January 2023

Monday Miss McAulay will be teaching the class.

Tuesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson, Wednesday Mrs Mackay, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird.

We are looking forward to seeing some of you for our Burns lunch on Wednesday. If you are unable to make lunch but would still like to join us in the afternoon to see your children's work you will be most welcome from 1.30 pm.

On Friday the school are being visited by Mr Bamfield the Additional Support Needs Manager and Mrs Hunter the Additional Support Needs Officer.

We will be looking at Article 30- that children have the right to speak their own language and follow their family way of life to link to Burns.

Week beginning 16th January 2023

Teaching this week Monday, Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Mackay.

If you are planning on joining us for our Burns' Lunch on Wednesday 25th please let the school know by this Tuesday (17th) to allow the cook to order. There will be a haggis or a vegetarian haggis option, and you can pay on the day.

If you do not wish to join us for lunch you are still welcome to join the school and Scallywags open afternoon where the children will have a chance to share their work and profiles with you.

Week beginning 19th December

Teaching this week Monday and Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson, Thursday Mrs Pearson.

The school will close at 3 pm on Thursday for the holidays, opening on Monday 9th January.

We have our church Christmas service in Dunnet on Tuesday at 11am. Staff will take children in their cars to the service. If however you are planning on attending and want to take your own children, please just let us know.

There will be a letter coming out from the council on Monday or Tuesday regarding industrial action during the first week of term, so please keep an eye on your email/school bag mail as appropriate.

Finally I hope that you all have a peaceful and enjoyable holiday season.

Week beginning 12th December 2022

We have a busy week ahead as the end of term approaches.

Teaching this week Monday and Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird.

Monday - Lego for P6 pupils

Tuesday Christmas Lunch

Wednesday The school power will be turned off at 3 pm for essential work so please do not try to contact the school after the children have gone home by phone. Mrs Pearson should be available by email or a message here.

Friday - our ELC and P2 pupils are going on an outing to the Lyth Arts Centre for some Christmas excitement. Disco in the afternoon for the school.

Week beginning 21st November 2022.

Monday - Teaching Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson. P6 have their LEGO session in the afternoon.

Tuesday Mrs Mackay

Wednesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson

Thursday School Closed to all pupils

Friday Mrs Laird

Week beginning 14th November 2022

This is Book Week Scotland week and so pupils in P1-3 will be given a book bag home with some great items.

Thursday there is Feis for P4-7 and we are being visited by the Education Manager Mrs Donald and the new Education Manager Mrs Jansenn.

Teaching staff this week Monday and Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird.

There is a Parent Forum meeting online on Tuesday evening at 7.30 pm which all school parents and Scallywags parents are welcome to attend.

Week beginning 7th November.

The primary children will all be going on their school trip to Quoybrae on Tuesday. Please can they wear wellies or other suitable footwear as on arrival they will be asked to walk through a dip and we don't want shoes being spoiled.

Monday - Mrs Mackay and the Dounreay apprentices will be here for LEGO.

Tuesday Mrs Mackay school trip.

Wednesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson.

Thursday Mrs Pearson and Feis for the P6 pupils after break.

Friday Mrs Laird.

Our Right of the Fortnight is looking at Article 38 as we begin to think about Remembrance Day.

Week beginning 31st October 2022

Teaching staff this week, Monday and Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday and Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird.

Monday - there will be some Hallowe'en activities in the school. If we can ensure that costumes are not too scary as we have some very young children in the ELC.

The Dounreay Apprentices will be back on Tuesday to help support the P6 pupils with the Lego Engineering activities.

I am pleased to say that we will have Mr Rennie back in the school for an assembly on Wednesday.

Our themed Thursday activities continue to look at Coco and the Mexican celebrations, comparing them to Hallowe'en here. This links to Article 14 of the UNCRC.

Week beginning 3rd October 2022

The last week of term has arrived.

Teaching this week Monday, Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird.

The library van is here on Wednesday so if children can return their books that would be appreciated.

We have two important events this week. On Wednesday there is the school MacMillan Coffee Morning. Everyone is invited between 1045 and 12 noon. There will be a small baking stall.

On Wednesday evening the Parent Forum have a meeting in the school commencing at 7.30 pm. You are all welcome to attend this.

I hope that you all have an enjoyable break over the October holidays.ff next week, Monda

Week beginning 26th September 2022.

We have a very busy week ahead with the Science Festival. This has also meant some changing of teaching days.

Monday - Mrs Laird

Scallywags will be learning about Woodland Habitat in the ELC.

Tuesday - Mrs Mackay

Wednesday P5-7 will be learning about DNA Extraction at Castletown Primary School accompanied by Mrs Malcolm. Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson will be teaching in the school.

On Thursday Mrs Pearson - all the school will be learning about The Chemistry of Playdough and Glitter Shakers in Crossroads.

Friday Mrs Laird all the school will be learning about Geology Rocks and Glorious Germs at Castletown Primary School.

Week beginning 19th September 2022.

A reminder that the school is closed on Monday in line with other organisations for the Queen's funeral.

Teaching Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday and Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird.

The following week is Science week and there will be some fun activities for the children both in Crossroads and visiting other establishments. More information next week.

Week beginning 5th September 2022.

Mr Scott will be in the school on Monday to work with Mrs Pearson and Mrs Mackay.

Staffing this week Mrs Laird Monday and Friday, Mrs Mackay Tuesday and Wednesday, Mrs Pearson Thursday.

Thursday Kodaly music for P1-5.

A reminder that the following week Monday and Tuesday the school is closed to pupils for Inset training, and the Thursday we close at lunchtime due to the electricity being switched off.

Week beginning 29th August 2022.

Teaching staff this week Monday- Wednesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird. On Tuesday Jay will be here for the lunchtime sports club. 

We will be looking at Article 32 the right to be protected from harmful work, linked to animals working.

Week beginning 22nd August 2022.

This week in Crossroads- Tuesday there is Feis for P6/7 and Kodaly for P1-5. It is useful if the children have their PE clothes at school each day.

If you have not already spotted the paperwork from Mrs Hunt in their school bag please have a look.

Monday, Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird.

Week beginning 15th August 2022

Welcome back to Crossroads Primary. I hope that you all had an enjoyable and relaxing summer. Teaching this week Mrs Mackay Tuesday and Wednesday, Mrs Pearson Wednesday and Thursday, Mrs Laird Friday.

We will begin the term by looking at Article 42 that children have the right to know about their rights as we revise the school charter. The children will choose the articles they see as most relevant to their schooling and learn about the role of adults as duty bearers and children as rights holders.


Week beginning 27th June 2022

It's the last week of term. Thank you for your support this session, it has been a hard year for so many of you.

Teaching this week Monday-Wednesday Mrs Mackay, Thursday Mrs Pearson.

Monday we have our end of year assembly at 2 pm. After having a virtual assembly last year we would be delighted if some of you could make it in person this year. You can also see some of the craft hearts the children have been making for sale.

On Thursday the school closes at 12.05 pm. Children transported by bus will be collected at that time.

Week beginning 13th June 2022

What a fantastic time we had last week. Teaching this week Monday Mrs Pearson and Mrs Mackay, Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday Mrs Pearson and Mrs Mackay, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird.

Keep your fingers crossed for good weather on Tuesday morning for our Sports Day. The reserve date is Friday afternoon.

Our P7 pupils will be having two days at Thurso High School this week on Wednesday and Thursday.

Since June includes the World Day against Child Labour our Rights focus is on Article 32 the right to be protected from unsafe work. This will be linked to the movie Bug's Life.

Week beginning 6th June 2022

I hope that you all enjoyed your long weekend. A busy week ahead.

Weather permitting Monday P5-7 trip with Mrs Mackay. Mrs Elaine Laird teaching P1-4. (Take snack, lunch provided for P5-7)

Tuesday all the pupils are going to the Newton Room in Thurso for some fantastic science and technology fun. Please take a snack and if you have been asked to take a packed lunch that also.

Wednesday - the rearranged trip for P1-4. (take snack, lunch provided) with Mrs Pearson, Mrs Mackay with P5-7 in school.

Thursday Miss Lewis will be here for the second week of our Ratatouille activities with a French theme.

Mr McElroy from Thurso High school will be hopefully visiting on Thursday or Friday to answer any questions from the P7 pupils about their transition.

Week beginning 30th June 2022

Sorry for the lengthy post this week.

I hope you liked the photos taken of your youngsters last week. You should also have received a postcard(s) with links to the whole school and if relevant the P7 photo.

If you have requested an online appointment this week you should have received your google meet link by now. If not please let me know on Monday and I can re-send it.

Teaching this week Monday Mrs Pearson and Mrs Mackay, Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday Mrs Pearson and Mrs Mackay, Thursday Mrs Pearson.

Monday the pupils are having a lesson based on Orca watch which should be really interesting.

Monday evening is the Rotary quiz. If your child is in the team or reserve the quiz begins at 7 pm in Thurso West Church so we would like them to be there by 6.45 pm at the latest.

Tuesday we have an open afternoon - if you are available we would love to see you between 2pm and 3pm. If you plan to take your children home after this and they usually travel by bus please inform the driver. There are in person parent appointments after school on Tuesday.

Wednesday P1-4 trip and then online appointments between 6 and 8 pm.

Thursday we will be having a Jubilee lunch picnic.

Our Right of the Fortnight is Article 36, the right to be kept safe from things that can harm you.

Friday the school is closed for the Jubilee holiday.

Week beginning 23rd May 2022

Mrs Pearson is not in the school on Monday. Teaching this week Monday Mrs Mackay, Tuesday and Wednesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson, Thursday Miss Lewis, Friday Mrs Pearson and Mrs Laird.

Monday the school photographer is here around break. We will try to keep the children looking respectable until after their lovely photos have been taken.

Tuesday - Jay is here for the lunchtime sports club.

Friday - Mr Scott is visiting the school.

We are continuing to look at articles relating to fostering/adoption and rights for refugees.

If you have not already returned any of the many permission slips for trips, or the report card slips we would be grateful if they could be returned as soon as possible.

Week beginning 16th May 2022

An exciting week in Crossroads as hopefully work begins to erect the outside classroom.

Mrs Pearson will not be in school Monday or Tuesday but aims to access her emails before and after school and during breaks.

Teaching this week Monday and Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird and Mrs Pearson.

Linked to Paddington and Foster Care Fortnight we will be looking at Articles 9.10 and 20 which relate to a youngster's right to live with a family who can look after me and to stay in touch with relatives in another country.

Week beginning 9th May 2022

Teaching this week Monday Ms Lewis is here for an ASN day. Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday Mrs Pearson and Mrs Mackay, Thursday Mrs Pearson, Friday Mrs Laird and Mrs Pearson. On Tuesday Jay will be here for our lunchtime sports club. The library van should be at the school on Wednesday.

Since this week is the start of Foster Care fortnight we will be looking at what fostering and adoption are, linked to The Good Dinosaur.

Week beginning 2nd May 2022

Good morning, The pupils have a short school week with the May Day holiday on Monday and the schools closed to pupils on Thursday for the inservice day.

Teaching Tuesday and Wednesday Mrs Pearson and Mrs Mackay, Friday Mrs Laird.

With Foster Care fortnight approaching we will be using 'The Good Dinosaur' as a basis for some of our learning.

The Right of the Fortnight is Article 21 I have the right to the best care if I am adopted.

The children did brilliantly with our Toilet Twinning fundraiser on Friday. We will give you a total raised once it has all been handed in and counted. Many thanks to everyone who helped with sponsoring the children, or helping them bake for the sale.

Week beginning 25th April 2022

Teaching this week Monday and Wednesday Mrs Pearson P1-4 Mrs Mackay P5-7. Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Thursday Mrs Pearson and Friday Mrs Laird.

On Tuesday Mr Simon Scott is visiting the school again to discuss the progress of the pupils. In his role he will be gradually making his way around all the schools in the area.

Wednesday there is a Parent Forum meeting which will be online. We will share details about this when they are available. One of the issues we need to discuss is whether to remain virtual, meet in person, or indeed try a hybrid system with people having the option to come to the school or access from home.

On Friday we will fingers crossed finally have our Toilet and Tap twinning fundraiser.

Week beginning 18th April 2022

We are looking forward to seeing the pupils back this week. Teaching this week Tuesday and Wednesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday- Friday Mrs Pearson.

This fortnight we begin to look at Articles 22 and 29 linked to Encanto. Article 22 states that refugees should have the same rights as children born in a country and 29 explains that education should help develop a youngster's talents allowing them to be the best they can be.

We also plan to have a new date for our WaterAid fundraiser set before the end of the week.

Week beginning 28th March 2022

Monday Mrs Mackay will be in the school and Miss Lewis will be teaching.

From Tuesday we are moving to virtual teaching for the rest of the week. As with last week if there are any issues please send an email to me and I will deal with it when I can.

Thank you all for your understanding, and I wish you all a good Easter Holidays when they arrive. We look forward to seeing all the pupils back on Tuesday 19th April.

Update 22nd March 2022

 Unfortunately there will be no-one in the Crossroads office for the rest of the week. If you need to contact me please email. If phoning the school please leave a message and someone will return your call when they can. 

Week beginning 21st March 2022

Teaching this week Monday-Thursday Mrs Mackay, Friday Mrs Laird.

Swimming Monday, Jay for lunchtime club on Tuesday and our Water aid fundraiser on Friday.

Our Right of the Fortnight is Article 24 which includes the right to clean water. 

Mr Scott the Collaborative Lead Officer for the area is visting the school on Tuesday.

Our amazing pupils and staff raised a fantastic £102 today for UNICEF's Ukraine campaign. Well done and thank you to everyone who contributed.

Week beginning 14th March 2022

Swimming on Monday this week and on Friday we are hoping for good weather for the Sponsored Relay Walk in aid of Tap and Toilet Twinning. Donations, if desired can be made in school or via the Just Giving page below.

Teaching this week Mon-Wed Mrs Mackay, Wed-Friday Mrs Pearson. Friday morning Mrs Elaine Laird is also in the school.

Our Right of the Fortnight continues to be Article 29 as we look at Science Week, through a Wallace and Gromit theme.

Week beginning 7th March 2022

There is swimming on Monday for everyone and Jay will be here at lunchtime on Tuesday for the usual club. Wednesday has the final Kodaly session for P1-4 for the session.

On Tuesday everyone is encouraged to wear blue and/or yellow and donate what they can, or wish to. This money will be going to Ukraine via UNICEF.

Teaching staff this week Monday-Wednesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday - Friday Mrs Pearson, Friday am Mrs Laird. Ms Lewis is in for ASN on Thursday also.

Our Right of the Fortnight is Article 29 which states that your education show develop your talents. This is to tie in with Science Week. We will also be learning about Science via Wallace and Gromit on our Themed Thursday.

Week beginning 28th February 2022

It is hard to believe that February is almost over already.

Swimming on Monday, Jay at lunch on Tuesday and Kodaly (P1-4) on Wednesday virtually.

Teaching Monday-Wednesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday-Friday Mrs Pearson. Mrs Laird is here on Friday morning.

We are looking at the concept of Dignity this week which underpins a few different Rights. The book can be found here:

Our IDL learning this fortnight is based around Wallace and Gromit as Science Week is next week. With World Book Day on Thursday the lunch menu has changed slightly as show below.

Our school is mentioned in the latest edition of the Highland One World newsletter. It can be found here:

Website v of Summer Term 2022.docx
Autumn Term 2021.docx