Crossroads Primary

Black And White Doodle School Blank A4 Document.pdf

Click on the newsletter to read it.

We enjoyed a visit to Keiss to celebrate World Book Day 2024 with pupils from Keiss & Bower Primary Schools. 

MMR against measles

Cases of measles are on the rise. Check you've been fully vaccinated against it. 

With respect to vaccination, it is really important that individuals are appropriately vaccinated and that our immunisation uptake rates are as high as possible. Information for parents and carers on how to check a child's vaccination record and how to access MMR vaccination is available here.

Copy of June Events 2023.docx

Week beginning 26th June 2023

It is the last week of term. Many thanks for all your support this session.

This week in Crossroads Monday and Tuesday Mrs Mackay, Wednesday Mrs Mackay and Mrs Pearson. Thursday Mrs Pearson.

On Thursday we will have the annual water fight. If you wish your child(ren) to take part please ensure that they have a full change of clothes with them including underwear. If any children do not wish to take part or are unable to we can keep them occupied in the school building.

If they can all please bring a plastic bag to school on Monday to take home their work from the year.

We have our end of term assembly on Wednesday afternoon and it will be lovely to see as many of you as possible at this.

The Acting Head teacher post has been advertised with the closing date of Monday to allow interviews before the holidays. We will keep you informed as and when we can of the outcome.

Early Learning and Childcare Enrolment

Children born between 1 March 2019 and 28 February 2021 are entitled to a funded Early Learning and Childcare place.

For Early Learning and Childcare places, enrolment week commences Monday 13 February and concludes on Friday 17 February 2023.

Parent and guardians with no access to the online process can request a paper copy of the enrolment form from their chosen setting during ELC enrolment week.

Children must be enrolled EVERY year.

Parents and guardians are very welcome to split their time between ELC's to suit their own circumstances.

Limited places for 2 year old (funded and self funded), please enquire as we have spaces throughout the year.

An open afternoon will be held before Enrolment week so you can visit and let your little one have a zoom about the garden whilst you speak to the staff.

Please visit here for more information and please do contact us if you have ANY questions.

If anyone was thinking of buying some books please do go look at the Scholastic range at this link. If you type in our postcode KW14 8XP to find Crossroads it will also raise a little money for the school on your purchases at the same time as you buy books. 

April 2022  An incredible £720 was raised for Toilet and Tap Twinning. 

Many thanks to everyone who donated money, time or baking to this worthy cause.