Behaviour System

Starting in September 2023, Thorpe House has implemented a new, robust behavioural system designed to create a structured and transparent framework for our students. This system, akin to a traffic light system, ranges from Yellow sanctions (low level) to Red sanctions (high level), and it serves as a clear and effective tool to outline expectations for our pupils.

Transparency and Clarity: The primary goal of this system is to provide clear boundaries for our students. It ensures that all students understand the expectations regarding their behaviour, both in and out of the classroom. This transparency helps create a positive and respectful learning environment where everyone knows what is expected of them.

Consistency Across the School: One of the standout features of this system is its applicability across the entire school. Whether a student is in the lower grades or upper grades, the traffic light system ensures consistency in behaviour expectations. This consistency is crucial in fostering a sense of fairness and equity among students.

Integration with Satchel One: To enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of this system, we have integrated it with Satchel One, a comprehensive school management platform. This integration allows us to seamlessly track and monitor student behaviour and achievements. It enables teachers and administrators to record and manage points within the system, making it easier to identify and celebrate positive behaviour, as well as quickly issue sanctions when necessary.

Rewarding Achievements: The point system within the traffic light framework enables us to celebrate students' achievements. Students accumulate points for displaying positive behaviours such as participation, kindness, and academic excellence. These points can be redeemed for various rewards, creating an incentive for students to consistently exhibit good conduct.

Swift Response to Sanctions: On the flip side, the system allows for swift and fair sanctions when students engage in behaviours that warrant correction. Red sanctions, for example, are reserved for high-level behavioural issues and can prompt necessary intervention and support to address underlying concerns promptly.

In essence, the introduction of this traffic light behavioural system at Thorpe House reflects our commitment to maintaining a positive and respectful school environment. It provides a framework that is both clear and fair, applicable to all students, and seamlessly integrated with technology to efficiently manage and reward behaviour. We believe that by setting these clear expectations and consistently recognising and addressing behaviour, we can help our students thrive academically and personally as they progress through their educational journey.