Thingstream Documentation

This site collects information about the Thingstream platform that we think would be useful to developers who are using our platform and libraries. It'll grow over time, and if there are things you'd like to see featured here or require more information on any subject, email and let us know what's missing. We also offer a helpcenter with the most common questions about our service offerings and you can access it here .

Get Started

New to Thingstream? Get started with our guide for new users.

Thingstream Management Console

Everything you need to know about the Thingstream platform.

IoT Communication-as-a-Service

Everything you need to know about our low-cost, low-power IoT communication solutions.

IoT Location-as-a-Service

Everything you need to know on how to activate and use our IoT location services in your devices.


Everything you need to know about Thingstream plans and pricing.