Thingstream Management Console

The Thingstream Management Console, or Portal provides access to the various IoT services provided by u-blox.  This guide will familiarise you with the interface and its features.


The Dashboard provides you with an at-a-glance view of your domain and enables you to monitor traffic levels along with any errors or warnings that are being logged.

You can click on any of the charts to change the timeline and mouse-over the lines to get more detail

In this section

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The Things list shows all of the IoT Communication-as-a-Service and IoT Security-as-a-Service Things associated with your domain.

Clicking on a Thing opens the Thing Details page where you can activate and deactivate a Thing, change the plan the Thing is enrolled on, get information about that Thing's activity, manage tags for grouping Things, set Thing level properties which can be referred to in Flows, check any system event logging for a Thing and set access control lists to restrict the MQTT topics a Thing is allowed to use.

You can also use the Traffic Logs button to get a detailed view of the communication between your Thing and the service.


The Plans section is where you can purchase and manage pooled plans which allow multiple Things to share a common pool of services like MQTT messages.  Currently pooled plans are only available for MQTT Here.

Clicking on a Plan opens the Plan Details page where you can manage which Things are enrolled on the plan and monitor your usage.


The Topics section lets you define MQTT topics and assign an MQTT-SN topic alias which your client can use without the need to register the topic with the broker first, reducing the number of billable messages and time on-air. 


The Flows section is where you manage your Thingstream flows.   Check out our flows guide for everything you need to know.

Location Services

The Location Services section gives you access to manage your AssistNow and CellLocate tokens. Check out our IoT Location-as-a-Service guide for everything you need to know.


Settings gives you access to a number of pages:


The Events page will show information about what is going on in your domain. You can see  information about changes to plans, Thing status, and general activity together with details of warnings and errors that have been logged.

If you mouse-over an event, you'll get options that will take you to whatever caused the event, for example you could be taken to the Flow Details page for a specific flow that has triggered a warning event so that you can troubleshoot.

MQTT Listener

The MQTT Listener is a tool for monitoring data that is published to MQTT topics in your domain.  It opens in the bottom right of your screen and can be dragged to any location you wish.

Use the cog icon to configure which topics that you want to listen to. 

The listener window can be closed and the listener will still run in the background.  When any new data is received, a dot will appear on the MQTT Listener sidebar icon to alert you.


The Shop is where you can buy small quantities of SIM cards for use with MQTT Anywhere, and find links to purchase hardware from our partners.


The Downloads section is where you'll find Thingstream SDK builds for  many popular MCUs and tools to help you use Thingstream services. If you can't find a suitable SDK for your project, just get in touch and we'll see what we can do to help.