CellLocate troubleshooting guide

This section is intended to provide you a quick guide on how to identify and solve the main problems when using CellLocate service

Fallback logics

In the u-blox cellular modules supporting CellLocate there are some fallback logics implemented to provide as much as possible a useful response even in edge conditions.

+UULOC: 1,1,0,29/07/2022,08:59:23.000,-214.7483648,-214.7483648,0,20000000

+UULOC: 1,1,0,29/07/2022,08:59:23.000,0,0,0,20000000

Note that the sensor_used parameter is set to 0 (highlighted in bold), indicating that the response is estimated by the cellular module and not by the CellLocate service

Note: the information of the last position is lost after the module reboot 

Connection issues

In case of connection issues, it's suggested to look at the Module connection setup guide 

In this section

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