Sodaq tracker board: configuration options

This section will guide you through the configuration options available in the tracker application installed on your Sodaq tracker board

Configuration message format

The configuration format accepted by the device matches the format the tracker application uses for reporting its current configuration, i.e. the payload ‘config’ property.

The tracker understands configuration data sent in JSON format, but makes reasonable attempts to parse non-JSON input as well. Specifically:

As an example, the following configuration message

{ "config": { "loc": { "gnss": 0 }, "motion": 0, "interval": { "max": 15 } } }

is equivalent to the inconsistently written


The tracker does not include the current configuration with each payload. Instead, the current configuration will be reported back in a separate payload in response to a configuration message from the server. 

The server can send an empty configuration message at any time to read the current configuration from the device.

In this section

Getting Started

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Location source priority

Priority of location sources can be set using the config.loc property, where each configuration source is listed with a priority. For example:

{ "config": { "loc": { "gnss": 1, "cell": 2, "wifi": 2, "ble": 0, "measx": -1 } }

After processing location sources set to 0, any location sources with priority 1 will be queried and their result, if available, added to the payload. If any of the priority 1 sources yielded data, the process stops. Otherwise, the tracker repeats the process with the next priority level.

Location sources not listed in the config.loc property will be treated as being set to priority level -1, i.e. disabled.

Note that config.loc is always interpreted as a whole. That means partial messages always overwrite the entire priority table.

{ "config": { "loc": { "wifi": 1 } }

Sending the above message configures wifi as priority 1 and disables all other location sources.  Note that the above also applies when sending non-JSON configs, such as :


Motion sensitivity
