What is SEND?
"A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for Special Educational Provision to be made for him or her."
If your child has SEND, they may need help across a range of areas. Some of these may include:
- Reading and Writing
- Maths or other number work
- Understanding instructions and comprehension
- Maintaining concentration in lessons
- Friendship and relationship difficulties
- Behaviour
- Expressing themselves and understanding the emotions in others
- Sensory needs
- Physical needs
SEND at The Streetly Academy
There are four broad areas of need which are used to identify SEND.
At The Streetly Academy, we have dedicated coordinators in each area.
In line with the SEND Code of Practice 2014, schools are to provide graduated responses to additional needs within
the student population. The Streetly Academy have adopted a tertiary layer of ‘M’ students who are potentially at
risk, these are briefly described below
EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan)
An EHC Plan is for when your child needs more help after trying all options for a minimum of two terms.
A child may need an EHCP if they are not making progress in spite of the support in place (the support a school can provide without external professional input) and/or they have an SEN or disability that's holding them back in school.
Students who have an active EHCP outlining statutory action to be implemented by the school and external agencies will be placed in this category.
SEND Support
Students are added to the SEND Register under the "SEND Support" category if they require additional support in school and this support is within the means and capacity of the school.
Students identified at SEND Support, are not making adequate progress despite receiving Tier 1 and timely Tier 2 targeted support and access to interventions, but through Tier 2 and Tier 3 responses (requiring special educational provision) are expected to narrow the gap between their academic performance and peers within approximately six further academic terms.
Students who may have received primary school intervention/s or have been identified through our internal data analysis of potentially being at substantial risk of not making adequate progress, but are currently making adequate progress through universal quality first teaching (QFT) responses. These students are initially reported to have no immediate foreseeable learning difficulties and are therefore placed into the ‘Monitoring’ category.
Click here for Walsall's SEND Local Offer
The Local Authority's Local Offer provides information on the help available for children and young people (aged 0-25) with special educational needs and disabilities in Walsall