A note from our founder and director...

Dear Families,

Please continue reading for an update on our program.

2021-2022 School Year:

First off let me thank each of you for your continued interest in The Spanish Class. We have loved serving the community the past 11 years. As some of you may know, the pandemic and other contributing factors have left us short staffed. Towards the end of the summer, St. James Episcopal Day School reached out with a partnership opportunity asking The Spanish Class to teach students ages two- 5th grade. This partnership has allowed TSC to continue our mission of teaching Spanish with a schedule that also allows me to meet the needs of my family. The continued rise in Covid has also not allowed for the hiring and training of new teachers so, we are unable to offer our other classes at this time.

I will revisit this in the Spring of 2022 and provide an update for our families.

I ask for your patience, understanding, and support with this difficult matter.


Señora Sharmini

2020-2021 School Year:

Returning to my original call of teaching Spanish, I have taught the bulk of our classes this school year. What a joy it is to do the thing you have been gifted to do! I couldn’t have done it without Monica’s help behind the scenes.

Kudos to Marcela who has had a passion for our Mommy & Me program for six years. She has gone out of her way to plan and prepare engaging classes for our virtual students. Gracias Monica! Gracias Marcela!

I am eager to continue the good work that was begun with The Spanish Class eleven years ago.

Summer 2021:

We will be taking a break to pause, breathe, and regroup this summer. Our program will resume in the fall. I have felt very encouraged by the amount of requests we have received for summer classes. It is difficult to turn down any child who wants to learn Spanish, but rest is necessary to discern what is next for The Spanish Class.

Social Media: Stay In Touch! #thespanishclass