RE Intent Statement

At Therfield First School we value the role of RE in developing pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. RE provides our pupils with opportunities to explore different faiths and beliefs. Pupils are encouraged to develop an understanding and appreciation of different cultures and religions and how they influence their immediate and their world-wide community. As pupils progress, we encourage them to employ an enquiring and open mind towards all aspects of religious beliefs and traditions.

The RE Curriculum

The law requires that a local authority RE Agreed Syllabus ‘must reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, while taking account of the teachings and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain.’ At Therfield School we follow the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education 2017-2022.

This curriculum for Religious Education aims to ensure that all pupils develop knowledge and understanding of sources of wisdom and their impact whilst exploring personal and critical responses.

Key Areas within the RE Curriculum:

· Beliefs and Practises

· Sources of Wisdom

· Symbols and Actions

· Prayer, Worship and Reflection

· Identity and Belonging

· Ultimate questions

· Human responsibilities and Values

· Justice and Fairness

How RE is taught at Therfield First School

Religious Education is taught at identifiable times in every year group.

The syllabus requires a minimum allocation of curriculum time distributed throughout the key stage for key stages 1 and 2. This gives us the opportunity to be flexible in our approach to planning. The flexible delivery complements the regular programme of timetabled lessons. This may include a creative or cross-curricular approach to planning and delivery. For example a whole school approach such as a themed day or even a week for RE. We also benefit from planning a rolling programme of RE for our mixed aged classes.

All class topics are launched with an exciting BIG BANG to engage and enthuse pupils with their forthcoming learning. A BIG BANG may have a cross curricular theme during topics that include elements of the RE curriculum. These may include dressing up, visits, visitors, workshops or use of the outside environment.

Cross-curricular links will be made, particularly with English and Art. The school’s high expectations for standards in writing will be evident in the pupils writing in RE lessons. Regular themed days linked to celebrations and festivals feature within the academic year.