
Music Intent Statement

At Therfield First School we value music as an integral part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. Music occupies a unique place in the school curriculum in that it is a truly inclusive and accessible subject which develops children physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. It is able to impact upon every other area of the curriculum and to enrich life within the school and outside it.

All children at Therfield First School are musicians and are given opportunities to explore their understanding and enjoyment of Music through a highly practical curriculum.

The Music Curriculum

Statutory requirements for the teaching and learning of Music are set out in the National Curriculum Music Document and within the Expressive Art and Design section of the Early Years Foundation Stage Document.

Key Areas within the Music Curriculum:

· Singing

· Playing Instruments

· Improvising/exploring

· Composing

· Listening

· Appraising

How Music is Taught at Therfield First School

Music is taught as a discrete subject by a Music Specialist. KS1 and KS2 follow a 2-year rolling programme of topics and EYFS follow a 1-year programme, each based on “Music Express”- a music Scheme of work published by Collins. The topics from “Music Express” are each adapted and, where possible, are linked to the class topics. Class teachers also incorporate Music into their day to day teaching.

In addition to the class music lessons, the Music Specialist delivers a weekly, whole-school, Singing Assembly. Children sing as part of the whole school Nativity and end of year play, as well as in carol concerts, open evenings and for other occasions such as singing at the local nursing home. Our Year 4 children sing at West Road Concert Hall with ‘Youth Makes Music’ and our Year 3 children take part in an annual Performing Arts Day at the local middle school. We also sing in class to help us with our learning in other subjects e.g. singing times tables, topic songs and counting songs.

Music at Therfield is also supplemented by peripatetic teachers from the Hertfordshire Music Service who are available to teach paid-for individual instrumental lessons on a small number of instruments.