Working scientifically  

Independent learning


Science is all about explaining natural events (phenomena) that are observed. Scientists develop explanations using the scientific method. This follows a specific way of working: proposing a hypothesis, planning an investigation, conducting the investigation to test the hypothesis, analysing data, concluding and evaluating. In this topic, you will have a go at each step of the scientific method.

Task 1: Know

Task 1: Use look, cover, write check to learn the answers to the core questions and the keywords for this topic

Working Scientifically KO v2


Task 2: Safety in the Science Lab

Task 2a: Watch the videos   

Task 2b: Read through the slides

Lesson 1: Safety in the Science Lab - Default

Task 2c: Make notes that:

Task 3: Safety and bunsen burners

Task 3a: Read through the slides

Lesson 2: Lighting a Bunsen & writing a method - Default

Task 3b: Make notes that:

Task 4: Equipment and accuracy

Task 4a: Read through the slides

Lesson 3: Equipment & Accuracy - Default

Task 4b: Make notes that:

Task 5: Planning an Experiment 

Task 5a: Read through the slides 

Lesson 4: Variables and Fair testing - Default

Task 5b: Watch the videos  

Task 5c: Make notes that:

Task 5d: Use the information on this worksheet for each investigation:

Task 5e:  Check your answers using the slides

Task 4e

Task 6: Planning an Experiment 

Task 6a: Read through the slides

Lesson 5: Planning an Investigation - Dafault

Task 6b: List the key components to include when writing a method

Task 6c: Read this example of a plan and use it to:

Task 7: Collecting Evidence

Task 7a: Watch the video 

Task 7c: List some safety precautions to be taken when conducting an experiment.

Task 7b: Read through the slides

Lesson: 6 Data collection - Default

Task 8: Analysing data

Task 8a: Read through the slides

Lesson 7: Analysing data - Default

Task 8b: Make notes that:

Task 8c: Use these results to:

Task 9: Conclusions

Task 9a: Read through the slides

Lesson 8: Writing a conclusion - Default

Task 9b:  List the key components to include when writing a conclusion

Task 9c: Read this example of a conclusion and use it to:

My data do support my hypothesis (the amount of water affects the time it takes to heat up to a certain temperature). As the amount of water increased, the time taken for it to reach 50℃ increased.

This is because as the amount of water increases, the heat from the flame would need to heat up more water, so it would take longer.

One limitation is that I only used 4 volumes of water. I also forgot to ensure my beaker was cold again before I moved onto the next volume. This could have affected my experiment, so therefore my conclusion is fairly weak.

Based on my conclusion, I predict that the volume of any substance would affect the time it takes to heat up, not just water.

Task 10: Working scientifically assessment

Task 10a: Read through the slides

Lessons 9 to 11: Assessment - Default (2024)

Task 10b: Make notes that:

Task 10: Summarise

Task 10a: Watch the videos

Task 10b:  Make a single page revision summary of this topic and add it to your revision folder.

Task 11: Check

Complete the quizzes to make sure you understand this unit.