
The work you will find on this website is the same as that shared via students' Google Classroom.

Each Google Classroom contains the same work which is set by teachers. All work for the week ahead will be uploaded by Monday 9.00a.m.

Specific instructions for each year group can be found under each tab which you should click on above.

  • Work can be completed on a computer, on paper or in exercise books. There is no need for all work to be sent to teachers but students should collate the work they have done and Year 10 students in particular must keep this safe until our return.

  • Students should complete a quiz each week - teachers will use this to track progress. Students only have one attempt at the quiz and should therefore revise the content (for Year 7, 8 and 9 these are vocabulary words and for Year 10 this is based on the previous week's work) before they attempt the quiz.

Please encourage students to spread their time between subjects, reading, the attached tasks and learning their vocabulary words. Students should not complete all tasks on one day.