Children's Access

The Spaces

Little Libraries

Each EY building has a pair of "little libraries" in different areas. Small groups of students visit this space on a regular basis to do things like read, choose books to borrow for home, or enjoy a story. The timing is determined by the class, and influenced by their routines and schedule.  Because we encourage children to make independent choices based on their interests, they have the opportunity to learn and practice navigating the collection, taking "book-walks", and making independent choices.

Children will be allowed to borrow books as long as their previous book and bag from the week before is returned. The little libraries are flexible, and if children wish to borrow books more frequently than the norm, this is also possible. Please communicate with your child's teacher as needed.

The Main "Central" Library (pictured above)

Each building also has a central library where the library offices are located. The space houses thousands of books available for checkout. However, it also offers a wider variety of multiliteracy stations, giving children the opportunity to engage with books in many different ways, such as through dramatic play, listening to stories, designing characters, and more.

Borrowing Guidelines

Student Borrowing Allowances

Book Care & Loss/Damage 

Library Bags:

Each student is provided with a library bag to protect books when they are taken home. This bag is to be used throughout the child's entire Early Years program (3 years). Please be sure that your child always returns his/her books in the bag. Bags must be returned to take out new books.

Overdue items:

All borrowed library books should be returned to the original library in good condition within 1 week. If any books are not returned on time, a student's borrowing privilege will be suspended until the overdue items are returned. Please communicate with school staff if your child is unable to return a library item on time, so we can support you. Parents will be notified of overdue items from the school's library system via email.

Lost or damaged items:

Library bags help protect library books from unnecessary wear, tear, or damage from water, siblings, and even pets. Please do not attempt to repair books at home, as the library has the materials to do reasonable repairs appropriately (simply communicate with the school, or send a note with the book).  Please contact the library team if items have been lost, so we can support you and your child in the next steps. 

Items (books or bags) lost or damaged beyond reasonable use may result in a charge for a replacement, and further borrowing privileges may be restricted until the charges are paid. Please know the EY library cannot be responsible for items lost in the community, left on school buses, or returned to a different library from where the items originated from. You can view this information in the EY Parent Information Handbook linked here.

The library bag will be collected at the end of each school year and reissued with the next class.

Preparing for the library at Home

Thank you for supporting your child’s literacy development through establishing routines at home. It is important that children not only read, but also begin to share the duty of taking responsibility for their materials. Please make a shared plan with your child (and possibly others at home) to keep library books in the book bag, store them at home in a safe place, and to return the books/bag on time. When your child comes home with his or her book bag, take the opportunity to look through these books together. These routines are so important for creating a joy of reading at home, as well as building your child’s independence and responsibility.