Why should I study this subject?

Statistics is one of the most applicable areas of mathematics to our everyday life. It helps us to understand the world around us by collecting, analysing, interpreting and presenting data. So if you've ever asked the question 'where will I use this in real life?' then studying GCSE Statistics may be an option for you. Statistics links to many other subjects which will not only support your learning in those areas but will also provide you with plenty of opportunities for future careers.

What will I study?

You will learn how to collect, process, represent and analyse data and you will also learn about probability. As a statistics student you will work with data on a grand scale such as the data collected from the 2021 Census as well as data on a small scale and data that you will collect yourself. You’ll pose questions and use data to help formulate answers and conclusions.

How will I be assessed?

You will complete two written examinations at the end of the course. Both papers will be 1 hour and 30 minutes and each will contribute 50% to the qualification.

What skills will I learn?

By studying GCSE Statistics you will develop mathematical skills, problem solving and analytical skills as well as reasoning and communication skills. By looking at real-life data and contexts you will also build skills that are transferable to other areas of study.

What equipment will I need?

Pen, pencil, ruler, scientific calculator, compass and protractor.

How will this subject help to develop my sense of character and culture?

Studying GCSE statistics gives understanding to the world around us. You will often analyse data about different cohorts of people, draw conclusions and understand the differences in society.

Where can this subject take me?

Studying GCSE statistics gives understanding to the world around us. You will often analyse data about different cohorts of people, draw conclusions and understand the differences in society.

What other subjects would complement my learning in this qualification?

For more information please contact: rro@thehayfieldschool.co.uk