Why should I study this subject?

This BTEC First Award is designed to give an introductory overview to some of the key principles, knowledge, understanding and skills relevant to the animal care sector. Any student who has a passion for animal care and is aware that caring for an animal of any species requires knowledge and dedication will enjoy this subject.

What will I study?

Students will study animal health and develop their safe animal handling skills, which is vital in order to effectively care for animals. Students will develop their knowledge as well as practical skills.

How will I be assessed?

Four units to complete overall. Animal Health (Externally assessed) and Animal Handling (Internally assessed) are core units. The two remaining units are both internally assessed.

These are chosen from Animal Welfare, Animal Housing and Accommodation and Principles of Animal Behaviour. Students have to complete all four units to gain their qualification.

What skills will I learn?

Team working, self management, independent enquirer, reflection, creative thinking and effective participator.

What equipment will I need?

Students will need suitable outdoor footwear (e.g. Walking boots, wellingtons) and waterproof clothing for visits to animal care establishments.

How will this subject help to develop my sense of character and culture?

Studying Animal Care will help students make informed choices when it comes to career decisions within this industry.

Animal Care will develop students understanding of ethical and environmental factors in relation to the animal care sector.

Where can this subject take me?

Students studying this qualification may progress on to a BTEC Level 3 in Animal Management, or undertake further study as an apprentice in the animal care industry.

Your teacher will be happy to share knowledge of linked professions with you.

Where can I find out more?

https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/job-profiles/animal-care-worker https://www.rspca.org.uk/home


What other subjects would complement my learning in this qualification?

For more information please contact: lmo@thehayfieldschool.co.uk