Back to School Night!!!
This website was built to help share information for back to school night. It provides helpful videos and descriptions of the Grove School's distance learning program, and provides an introduction to the staff and programs. Uee the tabs above to meet the staff and explore the programs.
Back to School Night Zoom Links: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Wednesday 8/19/2020- 7th and 8th Grade Families
Meeting ID: 770 1589 8280 Passcode: 3xQD4c
Thursday 8/20/2020 9th and Tenth Grade Families
Meeting ID: 723 6442 5049 Passcode: 9xLbDp
Friday 8/21/2020 11th and 12th Grade Families
Meeting ID: 759 8582 4040 Passcode: 3Dn5D7

Back to School Night Meeting Presentation
Links to More Resources