Google ClassRoom
All classes will have a Google Classroom. Your students will be given codes that will allows them to access their Google classrooms. Links to live instruction Zooms, assignments, readings, and other classroom material will be posted in these Google Classrooms.
Parents Guide to Google Classroom video
How to Join a Google Classroom

Parents Guide to Distance Learning slide presentation
WHAT to expect in classes
Live instruction/Class Periods
Live instruction times are when teachers have prepared lesson plans for students to participate in. This can be considered traditional class time. Teachers will give directions, review concepts, lead students through activities, and assign independent work. Students are expected to be present and participate in all scheduled meetings.
Parents and guardians can support students by helping them get to online lessons on time rested and prepared to participate.
Office Hours
Office hours are designated time periods following live instruction when teachers will be available to help students complete the independent work that has been assigned. Teachers may use this time to organize small groups of students to continue to work on activities that were started during live instruction. Each office hour is designated for a specific class period. Students may choose to work with the teacher or independently.
Parents and guardians can support their students during office hours by encouraging them to contact their teacher with questions, and work on independent work for the corresponding class period.
Teacher will post on their google classroom a weekly list of assignments and activities students will be completing in an upcoming week. Students will have both work they need to complete independently and work during live instruction. These assignments will be on Google Classroom.
All graded assignments will be recorded in Aeries. Aeries will be used to calculate grades for all classes. You can log into Aeries using your personalized login shared by the school. Link to Aeries Log-in
Late Work Policy (Revised 8-2020)
School work affected by the late work policy is classified as tasks assigned to students, by teachers, that are intended to be completed within a certain time period. Students can be expected to complete school work during non-school hours if not completed during class time. This is generally considered homework. It is at the discretion of each teacher to accept late summative assignments, such as long-term projects, research papers, tests, quizzes, etc.
Students have 5 school days to turn in school work past the due date in order to receive partial credit. For each day the school work is late, 10% will be deducted from the score up to 50%. Example: If school work is due on Friday the 5th, the student will have until Friday the 12th to turn it in. If a student meets 100% of the expectations, and they turn it in on Tuesday the 9th, they would receive 80% credit.
Students turning in school work more than 5 days after the original due date will not receive credit, unless there is an absence, in which case students may turn in school work one day late for every day they are absent.
All work is due the day of the completion of the unit. Work for a specific unit, turned in after the completion of the unit, may not be accepted for credit.
Live Instruction General Expectations
Be on time to class sessions - log in a couple of minutes early and wait for the teacher to start the session.
Use your real name to identify yourself.
Keep your audio off when you are listening and not talking. It really helps keep out background noise.
Only post chat messages relevant to the lessons if chat is enabled.
Keep your video on and show that you are actively listening.
*Make sure your background is neutral and non-personal.
*Check out a helpful video HERE for more great tips.
Materials Pick-up
The only materials that students need during orientation week are technology to connect with teachers and students. To check out technology, please fill out this Google Form to arrange for pick up.
Books, all school supplies from our list, messages from ASB, and other relevant materials are being organized and will be distributed at the Barton Schoolhouse by grade level at the following times:
7th, 8th, 9th grade: Tuesday, Aug. 25 - 2:30-5pm
10th, 11th, 12th grade: Wednesday, Aug. 26 - 2:30-5pm
At distribution, families should park in the Barton Schoolhouse parking lot and have students in masks stand in line for entry. Anyone who is having symptoms of illness (since COVID-19 symptoms cover nearly everything), should not come to materials distribution, but should call the office at (909) 798-7831 or email to make alternative arrangements.
If you cannot make it at the above times, there is a Make-Up Time for all grades: Thursday, August 27 - 2:30-5pm or call the office at (909) 798-7831 to arrange alternative materials pick-up/distribution.