

Part of The Swan’s mission is to put the heart back into the community of Clewer, and wider Windsor.

Since opening last year we’ve seen this mission succeed in spades, but there has been something missing, something that has been bringing people together since the dawn of time; food. Warm, delicious freshly-cooked food.

This is where The Green Canteen steps in, and our offer is simple: Thursday nights at the Swan during term time. A great value, wholesome meal, made in our school’s professional kitchen, delivered to the pub by pedal power as soon as it's ready, and served directly to your table in The Swan. That’s it for now, although there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes. Read below to see how our students are benefiting from the project and how their input is crucial.


The idea behind The Green Canteen is not only to provide great meals to guests of The Swan whilst the pub’s kitchen is under renovation, but also to provide opportunities for our pupils to gain experience in various areas of work. Giving our student's the very best chance of securing employment is something The Green Room School and especially GR6, is passionate about.

Students working for The Green Canteen will help prepare, cook and deliver the meals. They'll help serve you in the pub, and they'll be in the kitchen at the end of the shift, making sure everything is left spotless. They'll gain a broad and supported insight into hospitality and catering - a sector many of our students will likely be entering when they take their first steps into employment.

Also as a business and enterprise project, our students will learn about finance, advertising, marketing and branding.


We at The Green Canteen believe in the core values of The Swan, which started out as an idea shared between people who believed in creating something better for everyone. Here's how we echo those values with our own project.

The Swan Core Values


We are open and welcoming to all, including those at risk of being marginalised.


We contribute by making our local community a better place to live.


We run the site in an environmentally and economically sustainable way.


We take responsibility for our individual actions and promote a culture of personal integrity.

The Green Canteen Core Values


Our school is open to all, and we’ll never refuse a seat at our table.


We’re Windsor through and through. This town is our home and we want to make it better. That’s part of everything we do.


We’re pedal-powered, with reusable portion pots and recycled napkins. We’re at the mercy of our suppliers for plastic packaging, but where we see we can make a positive change we do so.


We’re educators, helping those who would otherwise fall through the cracks. We care about what we do and seek to set positive examples for all our students and community members.

What could a typical Green Canteen shift look like?

Your taxi has been cancelled. You're staying late at school. Here's what you could be doing:

You could help design the recipes, shop for and take delivery of the produce, and in many cases, you may already have had a hand in growing it too!

You could help cook the dishes. Or you could manage the orders, and schedule delivery riders. You could be a rider - in charge of loading and ferrying the meals on your back to The Swan.

Or you could be front of house at The Swan. If so, you'll serve customers in the pub, making sure they get what they ordered and have all the things they need for a great night.

You could be in the kitchen at the end of the shift, making sure everything is left spotless and the dishes are ready to go for the next week.

Or, you could be "in the office" on the night or at any time before, helping out with any of the adminitrative roles that keep the whole thing afloat. You could be keeping the books, making sure payment systems are working, and planning the budget for the next week's procurement. You could be maintaining the website, creating a new page, adding photos, or building a new site entirely. You could be printing off menus and designing placemats. You could be looking at advertising, our communications, our message to customers. You could be working the marketing channels, creating social media posts for facebook, instagram, Twitter and other content such as newsletters. You could be looking at branding, making a new logo, or ordering new staff uniforms.

At The Green Canteen, you could be doing anything!